Monday, January 3, 2011

Meatless Mondays

Happy New Year!

I thought that I would be begin the new year by explaining how I did with the vegging, brag about my progress, announce that I have found a passable meatball recipe, and am at my goal weight... scratch that last one it is probably never going to happen!

So, veg brag first. I went vegetarian October, November, and most of December. I completed this with a few fish dinners and a tuna sandwich in Gettysburg, but no beef, pork, or chicken until holiday break and the omnivores were home for the holidays. It was great! I want to go back for another run at it through the winter.

I'm through with the holidays now and am going to make another goal for vegetarian eating this winter. I would like to be veg through the semester and see if it helps me keep up with the busy schedule I'm going to have.

I have found a passable meatball recipe, and trust me... I tried a lot! Some I like the flavor but they don't hold up to sauce while others are, in a word, nasty. I found this recipe, Emeril's Mock Meatballs in Marinara at Planet Green ( Yes, BAM Emeril! This is part of his Emeril Green series. These have become a weekly favorite in our house. I'll even wipe up a batch for lunches during the week when I'm shy on a protein. For lunch, I'll put two or three in a bento with some rice and Bulldog Tonkatsu Sauce.

So, to kick off the new year I could not think of a better dish to serve the omnivores. I can't vouch for the sauce included with Emeril's recipe, I usually use Newman's and tonight it was Sockeroo.
Today's Brew: Paramount Kona Blend