Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day 24

My meatless month has been a great success. I have really tried to add more variety to the proteins by experimenting with seitan and new tofu recipes. The websites I found - and wrote about in the previous post - have been a great help.

The month hasn't been without some ... difficulties. My best friend RM has made me some delicious vegetarian dinners. She made an incredible vegetable soup and as we were eating she was explaining how easy it is..."just open a can of chicken broth! Oops! - It was wonderful and I had two bowls! I, of course, planned on the whitefish when we went to Yooperland a couple of weeks ago. Whitefish sandwich, homemade chips, and a salad at the White Tail in Brevort, Mi. Oh, and there was that spoonful of tuna salad...otherwise, GREAT!

Do I miss meat? I was really surprised by my reaction to sausage on Sunday. B-I-L made breakfast sausage, fresh from the butcher, and I was actually turned-off by the smell! Me, turned-off by sausage - I love sausage! Sausage is my favorite meat. Keep the steak, pass the dogs! I hope this was just a momentary psychosis and will pass by the time I get to Yooperland again and can have some cudighi.

I dream about cudighi and whitefish! Not together! That would be gross!

Tonight's dinner - Okonomiyaki

Today's brew - Jackson Brewing: Black and Tan

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