Friday, October 2, 2009

Where have you been? ... Mystery Solved!

For the last couple of years my studio has been plagued with leaks. One problem spot was in a built-in shelf unit that stuck out from the rest of the addition. This was covered with a flat roof that butted up against a wraparound porch and the roof of the main portion of the house. My darling husband has kept this patched, and most of the time under control. That ended this winter.

The shelf unit became very mouldy and mildewy. I could no longer work in there and resorted to storing a lot of my beads in other parts of the house. Not an easy thing to do and no one was happy with me!

Last Spring, right around tax time and toward the end of my final forensics season (another sad story), the leak got worse. My darling husband looked into re-roofing that portion of the house, but there were other leaks, too. We finally decided that the whole thing needed to be done.

This became one of those home repair nightmares where everything keeps getting worse.

Tear off, which should have taken a day or two took a couple of weeks. There were four roofs up there... four! Deck-shingles-shingles-deck-shingles-shingles.... A new deck had been placed over an existing and rotting deck. In places, the roof was rotting from the first deck out. The valley where a phony roof line was created had been tarred through to the first deck beneath the final layer of shingles... this was a mess that has consumed most of our summer.

We now have a new metal roof. The roof line has been extended over the entire length of the house taking in my studio. I now have a covered porch. No more shoveling snow from my oxygen tanks in the winter.

The roof over my studio spans the entire width of the house. My studio, which is only half the width of the house, will connect to an addition...but that is a project for another day.

So, I am remodeling some. I lost my office at the college and have decided not to pursue another coaching position. I have a new (old bookshelf) for my communication texts and am sorting through the years of office supplies I have accumulated. I'm a couple of behind schedule as far as getting my act to together with the jewelry and beads... but I have a new dry roof over my head and more time than I know what to do with... Time to get to work.

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