Saturday, March 30, 2013

Every time I see a Cyberman episode I like them more and more.

As most of my Whovian peeps can attest to, I love the Daleks. They are my absolutely hands down favorite big-baddies of the Whoniverse. Cybermen on the other hand... with the exception of few stellar moments, I just not that in to.

Today I finished watching The Invasion, the third story of Partick Troughton's final session and Terrance Dicks first story as story editor of the series. After the horror that was The Mind Robber, this story was pure Whovian action and adventure. 

My first experience with Doctor Who were the UNIT stories of the Pertwee years, and this story set the foundation for the Earth-based adventures to come. We meet Sgt. Benton and the unflappable-stiff-upper-lip-and-all-that Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart is back. 

Aired in 1968 and set in 1979, the story contains it's fair share of ethnocentrism, sexism, and arrogant classism that is to be expect, and forgiven... but I really have nothing snarky to say! Oh, dear!

On a cool note... 

The first and fourth episodes are very well animated. I wish that some of the other stories I have really enjoyed would be given the same care in reconstruction. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Mind Robber

When I heard that the baddie in this story was The Master I got my hopes up... is this going to be a Time Lord  Is this THE MASTER? I was painfully disappointed!

One of the best things about this story was that the episodes were 20 minutes or less in length! The story of the The Mind Robber seemed to built upon what costumes were available at the time... And that goes for Zoe's glittery cat-suit, too.

Tardis-Wiki ( reports that even the white robots were leftovers from a television show, Out of the Unknown. It's amazing what you can do with some spray paint.

Five stories in 34 episodes to go in season six. The Seeds of Death and The War Games list the charming Terrance Dicks in the writing credit. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Doctor Who Marathons 50/35 - The Facebook Posts

I have been asked several times if I have seen every episode of Doctor Who. This being the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, I decided that it was about time that I did.  Technically it isn't possible to watch every episode because of the great purge at the BBC, but reconstructions exist and BBC audios produced from the original soundtracks, and I have faithfully made use of the of the fan-made episodes. 

The 50th anniversary also coincides with my 35th anniversary of being a fan of the show. I started watching Doctor Who in 1978 when we got cable. Between what I watched on the Canadian channel on our cable and the local PBS channels I have lived near, I have seen most of Doctors Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven. The early doctors have never been a part of my Doctor Who experience until now.

I have been documenting my viewing on Facebook, but realized that Facebook doesn't make is easy to find past postings. So, I have copied the postings I could find and will edit as others are found.  

The postings begin at the bottom with my farewell to Barbara and Ian... 

March 22, 2013

As near as I can figure out, a couple of sociopathic turtle-men land on a planet of muumuu wearing pacifists… but I could be wrong! 

Here’s a funny review of the story…

Today’s story… The Dominators.

The anniversaries marathon welcomes Zoe Heriot. She introduced herself as an "astrophysicist, pure mathematics major with honours". Zoe had a photographic memory. But on Space Station W3 she was described by her colleagues as "the librarian". 

Librarians rock!

March 21, 2013

Oh, the wonderful world of Doctor Who inconsistencies... or is it Timey-Wimey continuity?

How could Eleven have a library card with a picture of One using the name John Smith when Two didn't know that that was the name that Jamie gave the Medic while he was passed-out in the sick bay of Space Station W3?

March 20, 2013

Sonic me! 1968 style...

The marathon continues with Fury from the Deep which introduces the sonic screwdriver.

Fury from the Deep - Sonic Screwdriver

Farewell to another companion... 

With the end of Fury of the Deep I say goodbye to Victoria Waterfield. The young Victorian lady was the orphaned daughter of a mad scientist who opened a gateway between Skaro and London 1870. Seriously... where was Torchwood when all that was going on! 

Victoria, one of best screaming companions, used her ability to screech and saved everyone in her final story. For once, all that screaming was put to a good use.

March 18, 2013

Today's episode introduces the unflappable Lethbridge-Stewart who accepts the Doctor and his story about a time and space machine without even a flinch of disbelief.

The Web of Fear - Episode 4.1

March 16, 2013

Another "let's blow up the villains' spaceship" solution - The Ice Warriors. Today's classic story featured the introduction of a big baddie that will be returning this season.

March 10, 2013

Great Beasties! Working my way through the Second Doctor stories... The Grimace has the Blue Box.

March 6, 2013

With the conclusion of The Faceless Ones my anniversaries marathon says goodbye to Polly and Ben, two enjoyable companions. The Faceless Ones is one of the best stories of season four. It's shame that it is not intact.

February 28, 2013

Underwater Menace... Atlantians, Fish-people, and mad scientists with big hair and Russian accents... who could ask for anything more!

February 26, 2013

Finished with story #31 - The Highlanders. I've never noticed the first time I saw this story that the Doctor let Polly keep Jamie, like a stray dog that followed her home.

February 23, 2013

Farewell Doctor #1 - William Hartnell. I have finished The Tenth Planet... a story that did not live up its potential and reconfirmed my opinion that Hartnell was a grumpy old coot!

February 21, 2013
Doctor Who - The War Machines story #27. Season three's unsatisfactory ending... Dodo was not smashed by one of WOTAN machines... she was hypnotized and sent to country to recover in the second episode. A rather pleasant story overall.

Last night I bid farewell to first Doctor companion Steven Taylor. Seriously not the brightest of companions... I think that the Doctor's suggestion that Steven stay behind as a mediator between the savages and the Elders was just a clever way to get rid of him. Even Steven was shocked by the suggestion!

Three stories to go before I have to say good-bye to the first Doctor.

February 18, 2013

I may now have the answer to to what is the worse episode of Doctor Who... Daleks in Manhattan... Nope! Waters of Mars... Nope! Anything with Colin Baker... Nope! 

I'm pretty certain it is The Gunfighters! And, I still have 2 episodes to go until the horror that is The Gunfighters is over.

February 10, 2013

The Doctor Who marathons continue... done with story #22 and the Doctor and Steven have picked up a new companion, Dodo Chaplet. Seven Hartnell stories to go.

February 5, 2013

I'm halfway through The Myth Makers, a reconstructed story. With this story I bid farewell to the Doctor's little orphan-genius, Vicki, who trades travelling in the TARDIS for Ancient Greece. 

Next up... The Daleks' Master Plan... this one is going to take some Audible and reconstructions to get through all 12 episodes! 

Sorry guys, but Terry Nation wrote the best Dalek stories... hands down!

February 3, 2013

My Doctor Who anniversaries marathon has brought me to Galaxy 4, a story that is only available as a fan reconstruction by Loose Cannon Productions. While I feel that all the missing episodes of Doctor Who should be considered for reconstructions, some are more worthy than others! 

FYI - I loved The Time Meddler! I have a soft spot for stories where the Doctor crosses paths with other Time Lords.

February 1, 2013

My merry little marathon to watch all of Doctor Who has made it through story #16. And, with that milestone I bid a fond fair-well to Ian and Barbara.