Saturday, March 30, 2013

Every time I see a Cyberman episode I like them more and more.

As most of my Whovian peeps can attest to, I love the Daleks. They are my absolutely hands down favorite big-baddies of the Whoniverse. Cybermen on the other hand... with the exception of few stellar moments, I just not that in to.

Today I finished watching The Invasion, the third story of Partick Troughton's final session and Terrance Dicks first story as story editor of the series. After the horror that was The Mind Robber, this story was pure Whovian action and adventure. 

My first experience with Doctor Who were the UNIT stories of the Pertwee years, and this story set the foundation for the Earth-based adventures to come. We meet Sgt. Benton and the unflappable-stiff-upper-lip-and-all-that Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart is back. 

Aired in 1968 and set in 1979, the story contains it's fair share of ethnocentrism, sexism, and arrogant classism that is to be expect, and forgiven... but I really have nothing snarky to say! Oh, dear!

On a cool note... 

The first and fourth episodes are very well animated. I wish that some of the other stories I have really enjoyed would be given the same care in reconstruction. 

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