Saturday, May 9, 2009

Gardening Pictures

As promised...some pictures from the garden. I took these Thursday before it started to rain...again!

These beauties came with the house and I think they are Narcissus Bridal Vail. This year they have bloomed bigger and better than ever before.

This is the major project for the season - the front flower garden. If will stop raining long enough to get some work done in here I will be very happy. We are still feeling some cold nights, so I know I have a bit of time.

This is a close up of the lilacs at the end of the front flower garden. I have two new ones at the other end that have leaves, but no blossoms.

Here are some of the containers for tomatoes and peppers. The cage behind the plants is for the beets which are going into the large raised bed.

Here is the Red Grape tomato plant in its container.

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