Friday, May 1, 2009


I have a goal this year to create a blog for my jewelry and glass. While I don't always get that one updated as often as I would like, I had been tempted to post other ramblings on that blog from time to time. So, why not have a second blog...besides, most of my friends on FaceBook are probably getting sick of me there.

So, welcome to my Musings!

Thinking of a name for this blog was a bit of a challenge.

As I sat on the couch in the wee hours of the morning drinking coffee and thinking about this blog it finally dawned on me. I admit it. I love coffee! A good cup of coffee just makes me glow. So, from time to time you will read my caffeine inspired prose in praise of the elixir in my mug.

I am also a confirmed foodie! The Internet is my favorite cookbook. I love to plot and plan the weekly menu, search for new recipes, try new foods. I will definitely share these with you, dear reader.

Finally, there are the random amusements that tickle my fancy. Politics, the irony of life on earth, and anything that makes me sit back and say "hmmmm".

Today's brew: Jackson Coffee - Black Hills Gold
This blend is not on their website yet. Other great coffees are including my favorite Black and Tan. Black Hills Gold is rich and dark with a chocolate undertone that is a bit more spicy that chocolate on the tongue, at least for my pallet. Excellent black.

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