Monday, October 4, 2010

Bunnies like eggs...

Breakfast is my least favorite meals. I would much rather dig into the refrigerator for some leftovers, down enough coffee to kill the hunger, or wait for brunch.

The little diner by my house called the Wooden Spoon has an omelet on its menu called a Bunny Omelet, a blend of veggie and cheese. On of the better vegetarian options in the county. I always order this when I eat there and make several; versions of it myself. This summer when I was living up north on my own for a few weeks this was one of my favorite meals and I wasn't too concerned what time of day it was!

Today's brunch was another version.

I used left over broccoli, carrot and cauliflower mix, a couple of mushrooms, and a small onion which I sauteed in a nonstick pan with some Earth Balance and cooking spray. When the onions were soft and the carrots cooked a bit I stirred in a couple of eggs and and some Swiss cheese. My free form omelet: all the flavor and none of the fold.
A word on eggs - This summer we saw the danger of commercially produced eggs. This wasn't the first time that the egg industry was scrutinized for unhealthy practices. Even the expensive all-natural, free range, vegetarian fed designer eggs may not be all that they are cracked up to be... egg humor! I buy eggs from a small goat farm up the road from my house. They sell their eggs on the honor system in a small fridge near their main gate. I have been buying eggs from them for almost three years now and love the quality of the eggs I'm buying. There is nothing like a farm fresh egg.
Today's brew: Eight O'clock Dark Italian Roast - the one in the purple bag!

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