Saturday, October 2, 2010

Well, that's not what I planned...

I planned an early trip to the grocery store to pick up supplies for tomorrow's Sherlock and Finger Food event, but things never go as planned... sometimes.

I found a recipe online for mushroom ravioli with a walnut sauce at that I wanted to try. That will have to wait until later this week because my quick trip to the store didn't happen. We finally got home after 9pm and there is no way that I'm up to starting dinner preparations at that time and we can't really eat out in the veg-unfriendly town of Jackson.

To the freezer...

Tonight's dinner: pizza! We made two. Digiorno's Mushroom, Spinach & Garlic and Amy's Pizza Pesto.

Now, I will admit that my hands down favorite frozen pizza is the DiGiorno's Mushroom, Spinach & Garlic. I love the smoky flavor of the mushrooms and the chewy texture of DiGiorno's crust. If I can't lay my hands on a Lawry's veggie pizza because Ishpeming is too far away than this pizza will satisfy. The Amy's pizza was a test run and... it passed. I liked the fresh quality of the tomato and broccoli, but the pesto was a bit overpowering for the vegetables. I really only got a good taste of the tomato when it slid off the pizza in a bite and I have to say it looked better than it tasted.

I spent some time searching the net to see if the DiGiorno pizza was truly vegetarian and found mixed opinions. One posting claimed that the low-moisture part skim cheese did not use an animal-based rennet, so I'm going to consider it good-to-go, but under evaluation.

What's next...

Tomorrow is Sherlock and finger-foods. I am planning a cider cheese fondue with some fresh cider from Sweet Seasons Orchard, a new veggie "meet"ball recipe, and plaintains patacones. I don't know what else will be brought, and I don't have the lowest calorie or fat menu, but there will be a ton of veggies to fill up on.

Today's brew: Eight O'clock 100% Colombian

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