Friday, October 15, 2010

Veggies and Musings II

My schedule and a new course that I didn't do enough prep for this summer caught up with me last week and I got so busy I had to let the week go. Then I got sick! How does that happen? Here I am eating all this healthy goodness and blaaaaaargh! Sick. Diagnosed Wednesday as a multidimensional sinus infection... in other words it had spread to my right ear, throat, and was heading for the chest. Yippee.

Needless to say, I haven't done a whole lot of thinking about food. Well that isn't really true. I spent a few hours one day laying on the couch looking at vegan recipes for Thanksgiving. But cooking has been a chore, best left undiscussed. I have stuck to my vegetarian diet, but it has consisted of a lot frozen veggies, Boca Burgers, and eggs.

While surfing around the net and reading vegan/vegetarian blogs I ran across a posting about how many cookbooks vegetarians own. In my case, I've been collecting cookbooks longer than I've been vegging. My omnivorous collection is pretty big on its own, but I have enjoyed picking up the odd vegan/vegetarian cookbook.

So today I offer a mini review of my collection presented in no particular order.

Veganomicon - Isa Chandra Moskowitz & Terry Hope Romero

This is my go to book. I must admit it has become my vegan Joy of Cooking. This is the book that I can look in the refrigerator, see what I have and find an idea of what I can make. When following the recipes, I have never had a recipe not turn out. Besides, this is just a fun read.

Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World - Isa Chandra Moskowitz & Terry Hope Romero

Love, love, love this book! I've made fourteen of the cupcake recipes and my current favorite is the gingerbread. Yum.

Vegan with a Vengence - Isa Chandra Moskowitz & Terry Hope Romero

I got a gift certificate for B&N and bought this book. Honestly, I haven't done much with it. I did try the tempeh sausage crumbles and really enjoy that as a topping for eggs and rice.

Soy of Cooking - Marie Oser

I picked this book up at Powell's Books in Portland, Oregon a couple of years ago. I been tempted a by a couple of recipes, but really haven't tried any seriously. I guess I was a bit turned off by finding Gimme Lean products included. Although, flipping through it right now, it fell open to Tofu in Burgundy Sauce. That looks interesting.

The Everyday Vegan - Dreena Burton

I got this with a couple of other books from The recipe for "Neat" Balls is tagged and I was thinking about another meatlessball recipe this weekend. I really like the introduction to the book, like Vegonomicon, it is very informative.

The New Farm Vegetarian Cookbook - Louise Hagler & Dorothy Bates

I bought this from with The Everyday Vegan. I was looking for information on making soymilk before I bought my soymilk maker. Really made it look like a lot of work. I do like the instruction for making tempeh, tofu, and using dried beans.

The Vegetarian Epicure - Anna Thomas

I got this from the library at the high school where I used to teach. I admit, I haven't done a thing with it.

Other books - not strictly vegetarian I find helpful and actually use!

The Ultimate Rice Cooker Cookbook - Beth Hensperger & Julie Kaufmann

Great recipes and helpful hints for using the rice cooker for more than rice. Love the instructions for cooking beans.

Dim Sum: The Art of Chinese Tea Lunch - Ellen Leong Blonder

Where to begin. I love this book. The recipes are easy to follow and prepare in an American kitchen and I am a sucker for dumplings! Many vegetarian recipes are included.

Sushi: Taste and Technique- Kimiko Barber & Hiroki Takemura

Dedicated mostly to seafood, there are some vegetarian recipes offered. Overall a great book for the techniques that are explained with easy to follow instructions and a lot of pictures. My kids bought me this for my birthday.

Japanese Cooking at Home- Hideo Dekura

My favorite Japanese cookbook. The first one I bought for myself. I have made many recipes from this book including: O-nigiri, Yaki-meshi, Yaki-soba, Tamago-yaki, and Agedashi-dofu.

Today's brew: Eight O'clock 100% Colombian

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