Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Search for the Perfect Meat-less-ball

Today I tested a vegan meatball recipe that I found online at I liked the idea that it was made from beans and did not contain any vital wheat gluten, which can sometimes upset my tummy. This was one of the tastier recipes for vegan meatballs that I have tried, but it did not stand up to the sauce and got rather gooey after sitting in the sauce for a while.

Here are the "balls" before going into the sauce.

The texture wasn't what I was looking for, more pasty and gooey rather than the tender toothsomeness of it carnivorous cousin. But I am undaunted and will experiment more to find the perfect vegan meat-less-ball.

Don't you think they need a better name?
The big hit of the Sherlock and Finger-food event was the gingerbread cupcakes from the recipe found in Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World. I made twenty-four mini cakes and three full-sized treats. I love the ginger and lemon combination. I bought crystallized ginger at the Ypsilanti food co-op and it is spicy, sweet, and yummy on its own. I chopped extra for the topping on the cupcakes giving an added bite of ginger. I have made a lot recipes from VCTOTW and haven't run into a bad one yet. It is one of my most recommended books for those interested in vegan baking.
Today's brew: Eight O'clock Dark Italian Roast - I found this at the local Meijer!

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