Friday, October 1, 2010

Veggies and Musings...

I was very geeked to participate in VeganMoFo and then I found out it was going to be November. When I lurked around some of the MoFo sites I followed I really couldn't figure out why the change, but I did find that it is Vegetarian Awareness Month and today is World Vegetarian Day.


I took the pledge and am going to go VEG this month. I'm still planning my menus and working on some exciting lunch ideas. You can find out more about the pledge and how you can participate at

So, in honor of VeganMoFo I have pledged to go VEG this month and blog about it! I think of this as a warm up to VeganMoFo. November is going to be a tough month to be devoted to a completely vegan diet. I live with large omnivores who are expecting Thanksgiving dinner... including the bird. To my omnivorous sons, it was bad enough that I stopped making Campbell's soup based green bean casserole, how are they supposed to celebrate without a turkey coma?

What about now?

My plan for today is to prepare the menu for next week, including lunches for the teaching days. I'm also having veg-loving company on Sunday and need some finger foods for the occasion and I'm thinking vegan "neatballs". Time to peruse the cookbooks!

Today's brew: Eight O'clock 100% Colombian

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